Linkedin Paid Ads - From A to Z by

Linkedin Ads - Bidding and Budget Basics

Justin Rowe Season 1 Episode 13

Linkedin Ads Bidding Basics

I actually  leave a lot of my campaigns on these settings:

  1. Set a daily budget
  2. Run campaign continuously
  3. Maximum delivery (automated). 

Let’s walk through it real quick. 

  1. Set a daily budget. 
  • This just means that instead of setting a lifetime budget with an end date..I choose to put a daily budget that just continues to run until I decide it’s over. 

The way I approach most marketing is not in 2-week sprints or a 60-day trial. 

Most marketing should honestly be an ongoing and continuous effort that you work on optimizing and perfecting. 

Most of you should be familiar with that concept but this is just ad budgeting 101 here. 

**Keep in mind that depending on other factors such as audience size, bid amounts, active members in your search group, it may spend under your daily budget or it might come in slightly over that budget occasionally. 

  1. Run Continuously 
  • If you’d like you can actually change this setting to have a set end date. This works really well with seasonal campaigns or short tests you’d like to run. 

  1. Bidding. 

Under bidding, we have a few options. We can optimize toward conversions, clicks. Or impressions. Just starting out and in most cases, you’ll choose the option that aligns with your objective goal at the top of this page but Linkedin actually will choose that automatically for you by default. 

One thing to keep in mind is that conversion focus requires data. You actually need to have a handful of conversions to be completed and tracked for Linkedin to have any idea how to optimize for that goal. 

So if you’re just starting out or don’t have that data in yet, you are probably better off just optimizing for clicks/website visits. 

Linkedin will also by default set you up with maximum delivery which is not bad. There will be some waste there but until you are more advanced and comfortable and also willing to check in on your campaign more frequently (daily), it’s probably best to just leave it as automated for convenience. 

Manual bidding would allow you to set a maximum CPC which could result in your full daily budget not being used. 

There are some advanced tricks we can talk about in a later episode where you can start low and walk your way up to find the right manual bid amount for you but that will be for another time. 

  • Conversion tracking. 

I’ll just throw this in here because after this we just need to input the ad elements and launch!

So this conversion tracking section is just where you click the different conversions you want to be attached/tracking with this campaign. If you already set these up (which we covered in an earlier episode) then you should just have to click the boxes and then hit next!

Ok folks..that’s it for today and in our next episode, we will actually input the elements of an ad and launch one!