Linkedin Paid Ads - From A to Z by - Our Own Linkedin Paid Ads Strategy

Justin Rowe Season 1 Episode 11

  1. Conversion setu

We actually got rid of the form on our website because it was just another hurdle for people to jump through before booking a call and then required another touchpoint to follow up with those who submit a form but don’t book a call. 

Instead, the first conversion we track is actually booked calls. 

How did we do this? We use calendly to book calls and calendly (along with most call booking tools) allow you to set up a URL redirect upon booking. 

This means that when they confirm the call booking, they get redirected to a URL of our choice. So we send them to a call-booked thank you page on our website which allows us to set that as a checkpoint that we can track for conversions.

  • We then also put a conversion value on this so we can give our different conversions values and optimize for the ones worth the most. 

B. Purchase conversion

We use a software called Paykickstart to manage sales pages, upsell offers, subscriptions, and affiliates. Once they hit purchase and it goes through, they get directed to purchase confirmed URL on our website that allows us to track this as a conversion and slap a value on it. 

  1. Next stop - Custom Audiences. 

I’ve set up some cool custom audiences for us so here a few. 

Website visitors (all)

Those who visit our outreach offering page

Those who visit our Linkedin paid ads offering page

Those who visit our google ads offering page

Those who book calls with us

Those who purchase from us

Those who visit our company page

Those who have clicked on one of our cold LinkedIn ads

Those who have clicked on a google ad 

Those who have clicked on any of our paid marketing channels. 

  1. My cold ads. 

For this ad I actually took a screenshot of an organic post I made from my personal account. 

This allowed me to visually show high engagement - I think it had 100-200 likes and a lot of comments. 

The other fun thing here is that on the screenshot it starts to show how the conversion value was 16k for retargeting and has a … view more like a real post would show..but again this is just a screenshot so when they click on that..they are actually just clicking on the photo which then takes them to my landing page. 

The Click-through rate on this is over 3% which is absolutely absurd. You won’t see that anywhere on a cold audience. 

Our cost per click is under $3 which again for a cold campaign is just ridiculous. 


Next up I actually have 4-5 retargeting layers going at the same time. 

I have a trust/credability campaign that retargets website visitors with things like case studies, testimonials, press releases, a few other things. 

I then have a campaign that promotes my other channels such as youtube, podcast, and newsletter. 

I then have a 3rd retargeting campaign - this one segments those that visited my ads page but not my outreach page and hits them with outreach offers just making sure they know we have that capability. 

A 4th retargeting layer is a series of text ads that have a whole range of uses/offers - because these get such high frequency…we can really work in a ton of different options and strategies of what to say.